Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Keeping House

Domestic Goddess I am not.

Its not in my nature and not in my training (that is a topic for a different post).

Now I manage to keep the "public" areas of the house mostly presentable--toys of course are the constant enemy. However it is natural that the chores you hate most tend to stay at the bottom of the list. What is my most detested task...mopping. Now I sweep the floors several times a day and I vacuum several times a week but mopping only happens when it is absolutely necessary.

So this weekend when my wonderful husband mopped the floors for me without being asked I wanted to weep with joy. It was better than Christmas!

Please tell me I am not alone in failing in this area!


  1. My most hated task is laundry. I call it my nemesis! That is the one thing in this house that always needs to be done. Not only because we go through a lot of clothes, but just because I avoid it like the Plague!

  2. Hubby does the Bathrooms, a job I hate! when we were dating he use to come Visit my house and clean them. I notice they were always clean. Thought a had a cleaning Jeanie. did not know until 32 years later,He Cleaned them!!lol. I love him for that. To this day I only clean them once a year, Spring Cleaning!!

  3. I like, never dust. Also, I rely on the herd of dogs to keep food off the floors. I vacuum somewhat regularly, but only because 3 dogs necessitates it.

  4. I am with you, mopping is the worst thing on the planet as far as housework goes. I will do anything to avoid it. My dh would love a house with all hardwood. I have told him that is great hire someone to sweep and take care of it for me daily and I will go for it, otherwise it is corner to corner carpet for this gal!

  5. I am not a domestic diva at all. I also clean the areas that are most visible in case someone comes over. I don't like mopping either; but my least favorite chore is the laundry. I don't mind throwing it in and out of the machines. I just hate folding it and putting it away. My hubby is such a trooper. He is used to grabbing underwear out of a clean laundry basket and even sometimes will put the clean laundry away for me.

  6. Hi! Here from the Under 100 group on MBC.

    Why don't you come check out my giveaway at

  7. I hate all types of cleaning. If I ever strike it rich, the first thing I am getting is my own cleaning person. I am jealous that you got your floors mopped. Way to go hubby.

  8. I did not meet anyone so far who loves cleaning, but well, it part of a woman's job whether you like it or not. I hate dusting.
    I have you linked, please link back?
