Monday, January 26, 2009


For anyone reading this I thank you. This is my first post on my first blog. I am sure I will make mistakes, hopefully some friends and potentially I may upset some people.

I decided to start this blog as an outlet for my frustrations. I have read many blogs, articles and postings about being a SAHM or even a SAHP and a vast majority come across as it being the best thing in the world. I know for some that it is the ultimate job and that nothing can be as important as nurturing and caring for your children, but for others (such as myself) it was not the plan and it is not the thing that makes me jump out of bed in the morning. I want somewhere for individuals to talk about the reality of being a SAHP without all the sugar and pretense hanging over it.

Lets not be mistaken. I love my children, I have 2 girls ages 18mo. and 5 years. I will always love them and I like to spend time with them--I just like having a career and talking with adults as well.

Now this post may or may not be the tone and format for the future, perhaps this needs to go in the profile. I am sure I will figure this out as I go but I ask you to speak up if you have an opinion and band together if you feel my pain. I am sure I am not the only one out here that feels this way.

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